

International Center for Literacy and Culture (ICLC), Tokyo was established in Japan in 1997, for the promotion of literacy and culture in the world as the multi-national non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) comprised mainly of volunteers. More specifically, it is a network of members of ICLC in the world.
東京にある国際識字文化センター(ICLC)は、アジアの識字教育や文化表現活動、創 造教育などに向けて、1997年5月、5カ国(日本、インド、韓国、中国、米国)の有 志によって、国際NGOとして東京に設立されたものです。ICLCは、アジア・太平洋 地域の人権・環境・平和・教育・文化などで識字教育と深く連携しながら、国境を越えた ユニークな識字教育の実践をしています。

このビデオは、インド・パキスタンの平和絵本、紙漉きのプロジェクト、絵地図分析、刑 務所の子どもたちのためのキラン図書館などの活動を描いています。
 In the 21st century, one of the most important concerns will be to establish and foster deep communication among cultures, and develop values to promote more humanistic and tolerant societies. Beyond reading, writing and arithmetic skills, a variety of ways for communication such as oral traditions, artistic skills, computer skills are required. The focus of ICLC is the promotion of "human literacy" and peace especially for the disadvantaged peoplesin the worls.

 The objectives of ICLC are to (1) promote harmony and solidarity among people in the world through joint works on literacy and culture for the most disadvantaged children in the jails; (2) encourage marginalized/disadvantaged people, especially children and women through transferring information and innovative skills on paper making by hands; and (3) share and exchange views and techniques in the creative seminars with various organizations within countries and all over the world for the joint works.

 The international network of ICLC has been growing worldwide mainly in Asia-most notably Japan, China, Korea, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand as well as in the Middle East, Africa, the Americas and Europe.

ICLC has been promoting cooperative projects and activities internationally in various areas, including investigation, research, training, production, and evaluation in educational, cultural and environmental settings, based on needs and problems of each country.